Jan 2018 – We feel so privileged to have such a passionate group of students like Anna and the University of Toronto Scarborough Vietnamese Association be part of CVBF’s efforts.
“Over the past year UTSVA has been working extremely hard to fundraise for the children of Vietnam. Our goal was not only to earn money for great use but also to educate students of UTSC about the culture of Vietnam. So far, UTSVA has held fundraising events that are food related for non-Vietnamese students to discover Vietnamese delicacies and also for Vietnamese students to have a quick reminder of the taste of home. We also plan non-food related events for fundraising where students could have a chance to meet new surrounding peers and de-stress from assignments and exams.
At the end of the day, UTSVA hopes that the students of UTSC, or even the Scarborough community, become educated about Vietnamese culture and also tighten the bond between Vietnamese students and their peers. Although we are still a new team, our goals and love for our culture has always been strong and we are still determined to make a huge impact in the community.”