Trung Tam Huong Duong

Trung Tam Huong Duong in Binh Duong is home to orphans and children of parents who are unable to support them, especially the little ones with special needs. The centre also provides free education and housing for impoverished students from remote surrounding regions.
July 2018 Our foundation recently had the good fortune of having Ms Christine Nguyen-Moen, a nursing professor at Bemidji State University and a Family Nurse Practitioner in Minnesota, reach out to us to help facilitate her visit to the Huong Duong orphanage. Christine is experienced in health promotion and disease prevention. As such, she was able to spend the afternoon engaging the children in making some delicious smoothies and other nutritious drinks as well as doing some fun yoga exercises. The kids enjoyed themselves immensely.
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February 2018 – Mr. Quang presenting scholarships to seven underprivileged student.

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December 2016 Ms Phung awarded scholarships to three underprivileged students living at the orphanage –Gam Tran, Linh Huynh, and Thao Quyen. This financial assistance will go towards their first year university tuition fee.


November 2015 Tu and Mr. Quang brings the orphanage a new washer.

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June 2, 2015 Michelle presenting the kids with a television set
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Mar 23, 2015 Mr. Quang delivered 300 kg of rice, noodles and basic medications (Vitamins, Tylenol, etc).

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