Vinh Long Orphanage

Vinh Long Orphanage is located in the province of Vinh Long, approximately three hours southwest of Ho Chi Minh city. It is operated within the Social Protection Center, situated in an old abandoned prison. There are 33 orphaned children ranging between infants under one year to 14 years of age.Because this orphanage is more remote, the children do not get as many visitors and hence, they can lack the human connection that brings joy to a child’s day

March 2018 – The orphanage seems to be getting more assistance and the children are faring well. Because of our attachment to these children, we wanted to see how they are doing and to bring them treats. Our young volunteers Stephanie and Jayne were able to join us. It was an eye-opening experience for them. It is heartbreaking to see the little 7 yo child with hydrocephalus still suffering so as the doctors say they can’t treat her. While the older kids were still in school when we arrived, the younger children entertained us with their singing
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November 2017 The incredibly talented photographer Frank McKenna visited the orphanage and captured beautiful images of the beautiful children.

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April 2017 – We had helped pay for the tutoring fee of six of the older orphaned children.
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 March 2017 – Ms Kim, our volunteer, receives a certificate of appreciation from the orphanage.

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February 2017 Each time we visit Vinh Long orphanage, the children are a little bigger, more clever and ever so adorable. Although they are well cared for, we know by the way they cling to us when we try to leave that these children long for something more beyond their walls.
August 2016 Dr. Tran-Davies, Yan, Chau and Ms Kim visiting and bearing gifts and treats for the children.


April 2016 – We helped fund the tutoring fees for five of the students.
February 2016- We repainted the living quarters for the children.
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Dec 2015 – We purchased new air conditioners to keep the children cool.
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November 2015 – Ms Mai taking some of the children out to market.


October 2015 – Tu bringing treats, toys and clothes for the children.

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August 2015 – Linh and Ms Mai visiting with the children.

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December 27th, 2013 Dr. Nhung Tran-Davies and Dr. Grant Davies’ Visit
Handing out books
Giving the children books
Vinh Long (48)
Giving the children candies and yogurt
Vinh Long siblings
Vinh Long’s four siblings
Vinh Long (78)
Enjoying a new book
Vinh Long (81)
Vinh Long also cares for many children with delays
Vinh Long (115)
Orphaned infants in their cribs
Vinh Long (90)
A child longing to be held
The little children greeting visitors
  January 26th, 2014 Lunar New Year
Jan26 delivery (15)
New shoes and clothes for the New Year
Jan26 delivery (2)
Trying on a new shirt
Jan26 delivery (12)
Mai holding a happy little girl
Jan26 delivery (7)
The children in their new clothes and shoes
April 8th, 2014 Delivering rice, milk and diapers
CVBF team holding the infants
A child helping feed another
A sweet child sleeping
  June 1, 2014 – Children’s Day
Visiting the children in celebration of Children’s Day
Treating the kids to Mai’s home-cooked meal
A fun day for the children
An outing to the local attraction

November 12, 2014 Dr. Nhung Tran-Davies’ return trip

Vinh Long (28) Vinh Long (30) Vinh Long (63) Vinh Long (76) Vinh Long (97)

December 14, 2014 Celebrating Christmas with the kids

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March 8, 2015 Bringing the children rocking chairs and strollers, and treats.

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