Arey-Ksath Bai Cai

November 12, 2016 – Bai Cai is an impoverished community along the Mekong river on the borders of Vietnam and Cambodia. Many of the children in the community spend a large part of their days working small jobs such as gathering bottles or selling coffee, etc to help their family make money. Sister Chuyen of the local Arey-Ksath church knows the value of education and she has worked hard to keep these children in school. This school year, our foundation helped sponsor the education of 25 of these children with the funds going towards their tuition fees/school supplies and the purchase of basic staples for their family, so that the children can focus on going to school. Just a couple days ago, our wonderful volunteer, Amanda, with the help of Mr. Vuong of the local scouts, was able to make the journey to visit some of these beautiful children.

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March 2016

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