Po Ngan C School

August 2017 – We are so happy to present to you the Po Ngan C school that our Foundation built for the children living in this mountainous Khau Vai region. As you can see from the pictures of their old school, the children now have a clean, bright learning environment. This would not be possible without your generous support and the hard work of all our volunteers. We are expecting 37 children attending Pó Ngần C school this school year. 17 children are in kindergarten and 20 children are in grade 1 and 2. We hope this Pó Ngần C school will continue to be a pride for their community for many years to come, as this will be a place for a brighter future for the children.

21366956_697035517164939_7444034498330034513_o21273747_697023740499450_2125874832278299928_o 21368978_697035520498272_847118442905476252_o21316119_697035557164935_8849668310639596105_o21368882_697035603831597_1360951069535974508_o21271341_697036617164829_1463123953756249312_n21368648_697023183832839_1280366791561489930_o21316194_697023147166176_3921780007636058859_o

We also brought the children gifts: Educational school supplies, 300 kg of rice, 30 boxes of instant noodle, 40 bags of cookies, 10 big cases of milk ( 480 milk cartons), 50 pairs of honeycomb shoes
10 medical kits, 60 nail clippers , and sweaters and clothing (from Canada)

21369343_697036610498163_6715271473372230413_n21316517_697022320499592_3050252178876093217_o 21368805_697022260499598_7744966502087796822_o21317649_696992020502622_7979908030616562472_n21366871_696995790502245_4830962192253420405_o21371143_696991927169298_747798138286898293_n


Before pictures:

15181477_580043595530799_2777366581378192332_n 15181543_580043588864133_2952050555682924525_n 15211648_577798029088689_1637687562_n 15267775_580043245530834_6759851740629058812_n

Construction Pictures – Construction was delayed by heavy rain through the season

20431603_683785438489947_5101553382820244666_n 20479626_683785388489952_8517188134283695535_n 20480003_683785445156613_6822577582542020544_n 20525904_683785435156614_4631653019158113775_n

Journey to the school was a bit treacherous, but well worth the journey.

20643259_697011910500633_1755248279706815953_o 21273577_697012113833946_4963520637031934081_o21272424_697012183833939_5473703362116980101_n21458107_697012010500623_649361047240695986_o 21430584_697008270500997_1767997834904111637_n21319116_697012237167267_2309410585148767897_o